There’s an App for That!
A Day in the Life
of a Kindergarten iPad

Here are some of the ways I am used in adigitalkindergarten!
Before school starts:
Sketchio to practice writing alphabet, numbers, sight words
Read I Like Books,
Play apps in the ABC/123 folder
Create stories using StoryKit, Show Me, Screen Chomp, Doodle Buddy, Toontastic
Teach Me Kindergarten to practice addition, subtraction, phonics, sight words
TooLoud to help regulate volume control
During group time:
Help teacher pick students randomly with Stick Pick or Decide Now
Sketchio for writing letters, numbers, words
Twitter (whole group) to write to K Around the World Pals
Counting Board to follow along as you count
Check the weather locally, and in K Around the World locations (whole group)
Literacy Centers/Daily 5/Workshop
Sketchio to practice writing alphabet, sight words, sentences
Read I Like Books, We Give Books
Play apps in the ABC
Write stories using StoryKit, Show Me, Screen Chomp, Doodle Buddy, Toontastic
Play What Rhymes, ABC It! Or Alphabet
Handwriting Practice with Write My Name, BlobbleWrite, Letter School, iWriteWords, Little Writer, Alphabet Tracing
Advanced readers can use Accelerated Reader to take tests
Practice phonics with ABC Magic series, Pocket Phonics,
Rover to access websites like Starfall online
Math Centers
Use counting board to help fill out 100 board worksheets
Use Apples in Hour Hands to practice telling time
Rover to access websites online
Number Magic Apps, Montessori 100 Board, Montessori Numbers
Social/Free Time/Choice Time/Reward
Angry Birds
Toca Boca (Band, Store, Salon, Tea Party, Doctor)
Felt Board
Playhouse Lite
Alien Assignment
Clock/Timer to let kids know how much time is left or when to clean up
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