Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Screen Chomp recordable whiteboard app

A new app is out today that is fun and could be a powerful tool for teachers. Screen Chomp for iPad is a recordable whiteboard (in a previous post I mentioned ShowMe a similar app). Screen Chomp is more intuitive- my 7 yr old was recording a birthday greeting in moments for his uncle.

Use it for assessments, send home homework and instructions to a sick student, record your lesson and play it on the board while you circulate and help students.
As of today it was free, so go get it!

click here >>> for a Screen Chomp recording of me playing with it!


  1. Aloha Sue! Thank you for your dedication to technology in education. I can't wait to try Screen Chomp in my classroom! Smiles, Victoria

  2. Hi Sue,
    Great blog - thanks for sharing so many fantastic ideas! :)

    I'm currently looking for ways to create short videos to show parents the maths strategies that we use in the classroom (and thinking that screen chomp may be the solution). I couldn't see an option for sharing though - can you tell me how you embedded it onto your blog? Do you have any other suggestions for tools for creating videos that are easily embedded?
    Thanks so much,


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