Sunday, October 7, 2012

Using iPads and other Technology with Kindergarten Seminars now available!

In June I was asked to develop and present a one day seminar on using technology with kindergartners.  Much like my blog, it will focus on using iPads and other amazing technologies with kindergartners. I am thrilled at the opportunity and hope to meet some of the readers of my blog there!  Here are the cities and dates for the seminars as well as a link to the seminar information:

Phoenix, Arizona on February 4th

Denver, Colorado on February 5th

Boston, Massachusetts on March 4th

Detroit, Michigan on March 5th

If all goes well with the first four I may be in more cities next year! Let me know what you think and if you might come!


  1. Sounds wonderful! PLEASE come to California and do a seminar here!!
    An Open Door

    1. Maybe next year! Arizona isn't too far from CA... maybe you can hop over! Or, if your SD has enough K teachers and iPads (or want them) they could invite me to come train you there!

      I do plan to make my handbook available to School Districts and teachers later in the month.
      :-) Sue


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