Monday, January 10, 2011

Sign up soon for Tales2go

Free subscription through June 30 for Tales2Go...  must sign up by January 15th!

More info, from Tales2go:

Welcome to Tales2Go!  Thank you for signing up your school; we hope you will enjoy your free subscription.

Downloading the App

If you haven't already, download the app on an Apple iOS device (i.e. iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad).  Upon launching the app, sign in as a new user and provide the email address you designated for your school on the sign-up form.  You will also be asked to provide a password of your choosing to provide security on the account.  Once you've done this, we'll find you in our system and give you your free subscription.

Multiple Devices

If you have multiple iOS devices, download the app a second, third time, etc. and sign in as an existing user on each new device - again using the designated email and password.  Remember, you can add up to five devices per account.

Multiple Accounts

We know that some of you are interested in purchasing additional accounts to support more than five devices.  One way to manage additional accounts would be to name and number them, e.g.,,, etc.  In other words, your additional email addresses do not need to be valid emails; emails are just used to name the accounts.  This way, we will know your accounts are related.  Also, please do not sign up for the newsletter with invalid emails ;)

Finally, know that we are not in the Apple volume discount program. That program does not support in-app purchases, nor subscriptions yet.  Meanwhile, we hope you think $24.99 per year for five devices is a good deal.
Our limited time offer ends Saturday, January 15th.  We've had great response so far, but happy to have you spread the news this coming week.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with questions, problems or feedback

Also, once you've had a chance to try Tales2Go, please consider giving us a rating and/or review on our app summary page in the Apple App Store.  They really help!

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