Saturday, January 26, 2013

iPads in Kindergarten LiveBinder

Here are some of the LiveBinder's I've created to accompany my seminars- they have lots of information and links to sites that focus on using technology in kindergarten, with an emphasis on iPads for both the beginner and advanced iPad user.  It's something I hope to add to as I find more resources, so I hope you'll bookmark and come back often!  Let me know if you find it useful or have links you think I should include.

Teaching with Technology in Kindergarten LiveBinder

 Digital Kindergarten LiveBinder

NCCE Session Teach Connect Learning with Social Media

NCCE Workshop NCCE Wiki- Magic of iPads

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to say thank you for sharing all of this information. I am mom to a 6 yr old with Down syndrome who is attending our parish Catholic school. Our public school has provided Riley an ipad to use at his school but very little support is being provided because they don't have much experience with kindergarten. I've been the main source of information for his teacher and your site has been so useful. Thank you!


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