Saturday, July 28, 2012

First Steps to an iPad Classroom

iPads are intuitive and easy to use... the set up and management of a classroom set- NOT so much!  It's much better to thoughtfully plan out your iPad deployment than to start over when things don't!

Before you invest in and unpack your iPads... check out this link on for some very thoughtful questions to consider and answer as many as apply to you.

Tony Vincent's Learning in Hand site has a good round up of Classroom Do's and Don'ts to follow.

Straight from the source, Apple's Education IT Resources page is full of all sorts of helpful information and has this handy ios5 deployment guide.  It's a bit techy but you can pass it to your tech support at school unless you're it!

If you're starting with one iPad, don't despair- I had one, then six, eleven and finally a class set.  This blog has great info for the one iPad classroom.  It is best to set up your account properly though to make it easier when you get more.

Above photo by 
Yutaka Tsutano
licensed under Attribution License.

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